
今般の会社法改正では、外国会社(Foreign Company)は以下の通りの定義に変更された。
第1条(c)(xiv) (Foreign Companyの定義)
“foreign company” means a company incorporated in the Union in which an overseas corporation or other foreign person (or combination of them) owns or controls, directly or indirectly, an ownership interest of more than thirty-five per cent;
外国会社は、外国企業或いは外国人に35%超の”Ownership Interest”を直接的・間接的に持たれた企業とされたわけだ。
次に、上記のOwnership Interestとは、要は「所有権」ということであるが、具体的な定義については以下の通り定められている。
第1条(c)(xxii)(Ownership Interestの定義)
“ownership interest” means a legal, equitable or prescribed interest in a company which may arise though means including:
(A) a direct shareholding in the company;
(B) a direct or indirect shareholding in another company which itself holds a direct shareholding, or an indirect shareholding, in the first company; or
(C) through an agreement which provides the holder with a direct or indirect right to exercise control over the voting rights which may be cast on any resolution of the company;
全ての企業は、以下の通り最低1名の”常駐者(Ordinarily Resident)“である取締役を置くこととされた。
Essential requirements of companies
(a) A company registered under this Law must have:
(v) subject to sub-section (vi), at least one director who must be ordinarily resident in the Union;
(vi) if the company is a public company, at least three directors, at least one of whom must be a Myanmar citizen who is ordinarily resident in the Union
さて、ここで何を以って常駐=”Ordinarily Resident”と見做すのか、という事であるが、以下の通り年間183日以上をミャンマー国内で滞在している状態として定義されている。
第1条(c)(xix)(Ordinarily Residentの定義)
“ordinarily resident” means a person who is a permanent resident of the Union under an applicable law or is resident in the Union for at least 183 days in each 12 month period commencing from:
(A) in the case of an existing company or a body corporate registered under a repealed law, the date of commencement of this Law; and
(B) in the case of any company or body corporate registered under this Law, the date of registration of the company or body corporate.
Existing registered companies to be registered
(a) Subject to section 421(d), if a company or other entity was registered under the previous law and that registration was still in force immediately before the commencement of this Law, the registration of the company or other entity has effect (and may be dealt with) after the commencement as if it were a registration of the company or other entity of the corresponding type under Part II of this Law.
(b) A company to which sub-section (a) applies will have until the end of the transition period to appoint a director who is ordinarily resident in the Union.
(c) An overseas corporation to which sub-section (a) applies will have until the end of the transition period to appoint an authorised officer.
第1条(c)(xlii)(Transition Periodの定義)
“transition period” means the period of 12 months from the date of commencement of this Law;
簡潔にまとめると、要は既にある会社については、常駐取締役の任命について12か月間の移行期間(Transition Period)の間、猶予を認めている。
第469条(c)は、海外企業の支店の場合の取扱いの場合で、Authorised Officerというものが登場するが、これは支店にも同様に常駐責任者が必要ということで、以下の通り規定されている。
第1条(c)(iii)(Authorised Officerの定義)
“authorised officer” means a person ordinarily resident in the Union who is appointed by an overseas corporation to act as its representative for the purpose of this Law
Overseas Corporationというのは、単に海外にある企業ということで、外国企業のミャンマー支店も本規定に該当する。
第1条(c)(xxi)(Overseas Corporationの定義)
“overseas corporation” means a body corporate that is incorporated outside the Union;
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(株主総会決議、公開・非公開企業) 2018年8月20日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(小会社の新設、財務諸表の監査義務が免除) 2018年8月23日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(定款の取扱い、MOA/AOAからConstitutionへ) 2020年8月26日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(年次報告 Annual Return) 2020年9月2日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(関連当事者取引の取扱い:Related Parties Transaction) 2018年12月27日
