
第1条(c)(xxxviii)(Small Companyの定義)
“small company” means a company, other than a public company or subsidiary of a public company, which satisfies the following conditions:
(A) it and its subsidiaries have no more than 30 employees (or such other number as may be prescribed under this Law); and
(B) it and its subsidiaries had annual revenue in the prior financial year of less than 50,000,000 Kyats in aggregate (or such other amount as may be prescribed under this Law);
まず、公開企業(Public Company)及びその子会社は、すべからく小会社とはカウントされない。従って、小会社として見做されるのは、非公開企業(Private Company)のみである。
第146条 (年次総会)
Annual general meeting
(a) Subject to this section, a general meeting of every company shall be held as its annual general meeting within eighteen months from the date of its incorporation and thereafter once at least in every calendar year and not more than fifteen months after the holding of the last preceding annual general meeting.
(e) This section does not apply to a small company unless:
(i) the constitution of the company applies this section or includes any similar requirements;
(ii) the members determine to apply this section by passing an ordinary resolution; or
(iii) the Registrar determines that this section should apply.
第257条 (本章の適用)
Application of this Division
(c) Sections 260 to 268 (inclusive) and 279(b) do not apply to a small company unless:
(i) the constitution of the company applies those sections or includes any similar requirements;
(ii) the members determine to apply those sections by passing an ordinary resolution; or
(iii) the Registrar determines that they should apply.
第260条 (年度貸借対照表)
Annual balance-sheet
(a) The directors of every company to which this section applies shall at some date not later than eighteen months after the incorporation of the company, and subsequently once at least in every calendar year, lay before the company in general meeting financial statements required by this Law or other applicable law, including a balance-sheet and profit and loss account, or in the case of a company not trading for profit an income and expenditure account for the period, in the case of the first account since the incorporation of the company, and in any other case since the preceding account, made up to a date not earlier than the date of the meeting by more than nine months, or in the case of a company carrying on business or having interests outside the Union by more than twelve months:
Provided that the Registrar may for any special reason extend the period by a period not exceeding three months.
(b) The financial statements shall be audited by the auditor of the company as hereinafter provided, and the auditor’s report shall be attached thereto, or there shall be inserted at the foot thereof a reference to the report, and the report shall be laid before the company in general meeting and shall be open to inspection by any member of the company.
(c) Every company to which this section applies shall send a copy of such financial statements, so audited, together with a copy of the auditors’ report, to the registered address of every member of the company with the notice calling the meeting at which it is to be laid before the members of the company, and shall deposit a copy at the registered office of the company for the inspection of the members of the company during a period of at least 21 days before that meeting. Without limiting this Law or any other applicable law, the company’s constitution may provide for the electronic delivery of the financial statements to members under this section.
なお、小会社としての登記したい場合は、投資企業管理局(DICA:Directorate of Investment and Company Administration)が管理する会社登記システムMyCO(Myanmar Companies Online)において登録することが必要だ。
※ MyCoシステムのリンクは、こちら
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(外国会社の定義変更、常駐取締役規定の新設) 2018年8月13日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(株主総会決議、公開・非公開企業) 2018年8月20日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(定款の取扱い、MOA/AOAからConstitutionへ) 2020年8月26日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(年次報告 Annual Return) 2020年9月2日
関連記事 : ミャンマー新会社法を解説(関連当事者取引の取扱い:Related Parties Transaction) 2018年12月27日
